San Francisco Rat Dropping Removal

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San Francisco Animal Feces Cleanup Discount

Rodents cleanup in San Francisco | you get 15% off rodent droppings & rodents urine removal services.

How to remove mice and rat droppings

Biohazard Pro-Tec explains 5-steps for mice and rat droppings removal that causes the rare virus called Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, more frequently known as HPS, that is found in mice urine and mice droppings.

1. Always be safe wear rubber or plastic gloves whenever coming into contact with rat droppings or mice droppings.

Note: Keep in mind to always clean all canned foods items bought from any store just in case of mice urine could be on them.

2. Mice-dropping cleaning in areas that may be contaminated with rodents droppings or mice droppings should never be swept or vacuumed because this could increase the risk of inhalation and becoming sick.

3. Spray the contaminated area with a household disinfectant or bleach solution (1.5 cups bleach in 1-gallon water) and allow to soak.

Note: " If you see any mice dropping in upholstery, bed, or carpet you should have cleaning services done immediately, health officials said."

4. Carefully place the mice droppings safely in a plastic bag then seal it, also it would be a good ideal to label the plastic bag WARNING MICE AND RAT DROPPINGS so that it will be handled with precaution.

5. Discard mice dropping in a covered trashcan or contact your local health department for other ways to dispose of mice droppings.

Get professional cleaning help today by contacting biohazard pro-tec to book a visit for mice droppings Cleanup and rat droppings cleanup.